How to Write a Call to Action That Works for Cannabis Email Campaigns

How to Write a Call to Action That Works for Cannabis Email Campaigns

When it comes to email marketing for your cannabis dispensary, one of the most important parts is the call-to-action (CTA). There is always something you want the reader to do after scanning the content. Whether that is visiting your website, using a promo, or signing up for a special offer, you want them to take action. You can’t just hope they’ll take action–you have to tell them. 

In email marketing for your cannabis dispensary, the CTA is typically a button or hyperlinked anchor text. The challenging part is writing a CTA that makes them want to click. From 420, to 710 Day, to Green Wednesday, there are plenty of email marketing opportunities for your cannabis business. Knowing a thing or two about crafting effective CTAs can boost your sales. Let’s take a look at five effective strategies for writing CTAs that work well for email campaigns. 

Present the Problem and Offer the Solution

A majority of unhappy customers don’t complain. However, by voicing their concern, you can get their attention. Do research to gain a deep understanding of your target audience so you can present the problem that’s on their mind. Then, you can agitate the issue. That’s right–get into the nitty gritty of what happens if the problem isn’t addressed. Anxiety or worry can become a motivation to take action. Finally, you can present your product or service as the solution to the problem. For example, you can agitate the problem of the lack of sleep and discuss how toxins in your brain won’t get flushed out completely if you have poor sleep. Then you can present the solution of cannabis edibles specifically for getting a good night’s rest. Present the problem and offer the solution in your copy and CTA. It’s a tried-and-true one-two punch for any marketing strategy. 

Use Curiosity to Craft a CTA 

Evoking curiosity is an effective way to write a CTA. To create curiosity, use emotional triggers. Some of these triggers include trust, surprise, satisfaction, and fun. By doing so, you will make your reader click that big shiny button because they are capable of perceiving the reward. One tried-and-true way to create curiosity is to tell people what you do and the results of that action. However, hold off on telling them how to get the results. That will spark curiosity. For example, you can promote a specific cannabis strain that is made for sharpening your focus if used in a specific way. And if they click the button to the blog, they’ll get the answer of how to use it appropriately to boost their focus. Variations of “learn how it works” or “find out how” can make effective CTAs when used for the appropriate campaign. 

Lean On a Sense of Belonging

Social proof is the future of cannabis marketing. People take a specific action if others have done so, too. Your customers want to follow the crowd because they don’t want to miss out on the reward everyone else is getting. One easy way to craft a call to action based on social proof is to state how many people have taken the action you’re presenting. For example, you can say, “over 10,000 people have subscribed to our dispensary email!” You can present the “subscribe” action as an opportunity to gain something essential. If you have the ability to name-drop, that can also work as a call to action. The Marketing Millennials mention that professionals from companies like Netflix have subscribed to their email newsletter. You can also use testimonials to lead into your call to action. 

Create a Cliffhanger Call to Action

If you’re hooked on one of the many popular TV shows out there, you know what a cliffhanger is. It’s an unresolved ending that leaves the viewer or reader wanting more. It is part of human nature to seek closure. For example, if you have a special newsletter for cannabis product deals, you can entice your audience by hinting at what special offers you’ll include. To know those deals, they have to subscribe to the newsletter. Write copy that makes your audience want to know more about the cannabis products or deals. Storytelling is marketing. Your campaigns should be pages of your book. And your goal is to make your book a page-turner! 

The CTA plays a big role in your cannabis email marketing campaigns. However, the other components are just as important. Need help with your cannabis dispensary email marketing campaigns? We can help you create campaigns that convert. Contact us today!

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